Professional recording facilities
Mark and the design team’s vision was to create a working studio where artists can comfortably articulate and capture their musical vision.
“I wanted to create a high-end professional studio with a relaxed, creative working space in a rural setting close to my home in Oxfordshire. After too many days spent in no-daylight studio rooms, it was important to have the option of natural light when required, along with atmospheric lighting and ambience into the control and live room for the darker days and nights. That was the vision. Beyond that - and at a technical level - we have put detailed attention into the design, working with the Studio Creations team to build an accurate control room, and a relaxed, great-sounding live room”.
The studio was professionally designed and built by Studio Creations, who have established themselves as one of the industry-leaders in studio design. They have installed control and live rooms in some legendary recording facilities including: Abbey Road, Metropolis, Rak and Air studios, as well as building bespoke studios for many top international artists.
The studio has been designed to maximise visual communication between the control room and live room, with floor to ceiling large sliding glass doors between the rooms and windows bringing in natural light with rural views. The control room is 27m². The live room is 26m² with 2 amp isolation booths.